Dr Scott launches Rescue Vet
Dr Scott Miller has launched his brand new YouTube channel, Rescue Vet, created by Mango Productions.
Dr Scott Miller, formerly the Vet on the Hill, is now the Rescue Vet. If you love heartfelt stories of rescue pets, need a quick how to guide and top tips to care for your pet, or simply enjoy a laugh, cry and warm virtual hug while watching amazing animal stories, then Rescue Vet is your new happy place. Dr Scott has over 25 years experience as a Veterinary Surgeon. Originally from Australia, he has worked all over the world including at his practices in the UK, providing dedicated care to all creatures great and small. Now he wants to offer his Veterinary services to those less fortunate, travelling far and wide to help rescue animals and the welfare warriors that care for them. Rescue Vet is the only channel with fresh and new Dr Scott content, so if you enjoy his warm and caring approach (as seen on Bondi Vet), love cute, cheeky or cuddly animal stories or taking a sneek peek inside a Veterinary practice especially set up with rescue animals in mind, then why not subscribe today!